A Cult Fan Group

This week we watched Detroit Rock City. I personally had never seen it before watching it this week but of course I knew the song Detroit Rock City. I must say however I was very impressed with the film. This film not only had a great soundtrack that will be stuck in my head the rest of the week the acting was once again great in this film, just like last weeks. The theme of these films we have been watching is something that I can relate to. I have watched many films growing up that were based in this era of the 70’s and 80’s because it is what my parents grew up on. I could see why Detroit Rock City could be a cult classic for many people. It crosses off many checklists for a cult classic such as its budget and then what it made in the box office. When doing some research on this film I was surprised that it only made $5 million in the box office compared to its budget of $17 million. I figured that this movie would have gotten way more reception than it did due to nostalgia reasons that may have resonated with people who grew up during that time. I mean the film specifically targets 4 young boys which their only dream is to see KISS live. They go through many obstacles to get there but in the end they finally get to see KISS. While many people probably wanted to see it just for the aspect of KISS being in it, I liked how they waited until the end to finally give you what they were trying to get the whole time. The film was overall very funny and worth the watch in my opinion.

The reading that I enjoyed this week was the one on Classical Hollywood Cults. It targeted nostalgia which is something I am sure many people related to in Detroit Rock City. We can relate to many classic Hollywood films because of the nostalgia that it brings. Not only does the film not get “old”, it brings us back to our childhood sometimes or the time when you first saw the film making it bring back many memories. I like how it talked about the Wizard of Oz which gives me so much nostalgia from growing up. I still am some what afraid of those flying monkeys. Another part of the reading that I liked that it talked about was the section on Gaiety. It started off by saying that the term gay has changed so much throughout the history of classical Hollywood cult films. While it used to mean happy or cheery it now has to do with sexuality. It talks about how some films may have a battle of the sexes. The receptions of some of these cult films are now losing what they actually meant and their innocence. Those were just some of the categories that defined a classical Hollywood cult film but many things were important throughout the reading.

Finally this week we ended with two great presentations. The first presentation was on Hot Tub Time Machine which in my opinion is also a great cult film. The film in general is just so funny and hard to not be laughing if you watch it with all its catchy lines. The second film presented this week was Tank Girl which personally didn’t sound too intriguing to me. I am pretty open to most films but I could understand where this film could be a cult film for some people who are into films like that.

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